

Ben Dubray

By | 2021-05-23T13:19:54+00:00 May 27th, 2021|Characters|

Oh Ben. How you've grown. I remember walking home with Mike (I say walking as if I wasn't 8 months pregnant and waddling), discussing this story and throwing around ideas, and our discussions of Ben, and how he'd get to Terrene, and what implications that meant for returning to Earth. Me asking questions about the Void, [...]

Zak and Zaborah Monomi

By | 2021-05-23T13:20:13+00:00 May 25th, 2021|Characters|

Yesterday was Jade, so I feel obliged that today should be Zak. XD What can I say about our beloved Monomi? He genuinely surprised me. I knew he'd have a fairly tragic backstory (losing one's idol and brother in such a traumatic way would do that to a soul), and I knew he'd be Jade's [...]

Character art – Jade Stohner

By | 2021-05-23T15:04:54+00:00 May 23rd, 2021|Characters|

Sooo...I got some character art done recently. And I'm absolutely in love with all of them (as if I wasn't already in love with my characters before!). If you already follow me on social media, you'll have seen some of them already, but I reckon I should have them all here for easy access if [...]

When there are no words

By | 2021-03-19T14:33:54+00:00 March 19th, 2021|Death, grief|

If you follow me on social media, you've already seen the update from my personal life: my mom died February 23. It was one week prior to that, February 16, that we learned the cause of her two-month-long sickness. They finally did the right tests, but too little, too late. She had stage 4 breast [...]


By | 2021-01-12T17:51:00+00:00 January 12th, 2021|Blog|

My cover reveal isn't until next week, officially, but... My pre-order for Blood Bond is live!  You don't wanna miss this final book. It's good. Snag your pre-order now!

A bit closer…

By | 2020-10-17T17:06:10+00:00 October 17th, 2020|Blog|

Blood Bond is back in my hands! *squee!* Edits look like they won't be too bad, but it'll still take some time, considering all that I'm juggling in life right now. (Hello, homeschool and tutoring and Christmas present making and housework. O_o Who needs sanity, right?...) Assuming all goes well, Blood Bond will be releasing late [...]

These days

By | 2020-08-23T11:12:18+00:00 August 23rd, 2020|Blog|

It's been a strange year, hasn't it? Nothing is going the way any of us hoped or planned, and one way or another, we've all felt the hardships of 2020. For myself, 2020 started on the heels of a very difficult 2019, so it's been one blur of a tough season. That being said, there's [...]


By | 2019-11-16T16:02:36+00:00 November 16th, 2019|Blog|

For those who've seen recent news, California has experienced much these last few weeks. We've had countless fires, several small earthquakes, and now a school shooting. One of those fires and the school shooting happened in my hometown. It's been an emotional few weeks, to say the least. Fire and evacuations and concern over family [...]

Good things to those who wait

By | 2019-07-31T20:57:24+00:00 July 31st, 2019|Blog|

Y'all have waited so long. So patiently. And at long last, I am relieved to give you the news you've been hoping to hear. Traitor's Crown is almost ready. It'll be out on September 5! And the cover is gorgeous. Another stunning work of art by Magpie Designs Ltd. (I may have to get a poster [...]

Level Up!

By | 2019-03-30T17:31:06+00:00 March 30th, 2019|Events|

I feel like I've leveled up as an author. I mean, yes, I have three books published. Yes, I have two manuscripts that are in various stages of editing. Yes, I'm pre-writing book four, and yes, I have rough outline of the stand-alone novel. And that's all well and good and awesome in its own [...]