Betrayal by Blood is close to completion!
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Betrayal by Blood (Prequel to Stones of Terrene)
As the kingdom of Doldrum recovers from a rebellion, a plot against the royal family will turn brother against brother.
One man. One choice.
Palace guard and resident heartthrob Slate Stohner wants nothing more than to find his perfect match and start a family. Just like his sister, Sapphire–who has found her true love in the second prince, Brandon Doldras.
When Sapphire and Brandon’s daughter is born, tensions arise over who should rule the kingdom. And after an assassin targets Sapphire, Slate’s world is turned upside down. Trust and loyalty will be put to the test as an even larger plot against the royal family unfurls. His choice could save his family from a dark conspiracy—or usher in their destruction.
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