It’s been a strange year, hasn’t it?
Nothing is going the way any of us hoped or planned, and one way or another, we’ve all felt the hardships of 2020. For myself, 2020 started on the heels of a very difficult 2019, so it’s been one blur of a tough season. That being said, there’s some good highlights I can share!
- Blood Bond is in my editor’s wonderful hands for the next round of developmental edits! I’m sincerely hoping that it’ll come out by Spring 2021. I’ll update that date after I get my edits back and I see how much I need to change.
- We got new bookshelves and storage for our boys homeschool books. The one downside to being both an author and a long-term homeschool family is that we’re always needing more bookshelves. So thankful that IKEA is quasi-close, and that they deliver during this pandemic!
- We finished the bathroom mold remediation and remodel! Since we’ve finished that work, I’ve been able to think and breathe better, and the boys seem to be recovering well, too. Mike barely showed any mold sickness, so he’s still his spry self. ^_^
I’m wondering if it’d be helpful to post homeschool tips for those that are finding themselves in this new season of life. It’s one thing for those of us who go into homeschool, knowing and planning for it, being mentally prepared and having work situations figured out. It’s another for those that are thrown into it, and with the added stresses of juggling jobs and not really being prepared for kiddos 24/7…it’s a lot.
(And, for those that may be in California or other states that are currently on fire, that’s yet another stressor. Yeesh.)
If I hear back that homeschool tips are desired, I’ll compile some stuff to share.
Stay safe, y’all.
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