R.J. Metcalf

/R.J. Metcalf

About R.J. Metcalf

RJ has little spare time when she's not in "Mommy Mode", but she does enjoy reading, writing, pillow fights with her family and hunting Pokemon in the neighborhood with her hubby.

Building up steam

By | 2017-05-20T02:49:20+00:00 March 11th, 2017|Blog, Books|

Nearly every week I tell myself that this is the week that I'll get some blog posts done. This is the week that I'll catch up on all the little things I want to get done. ...and every week passes by, and I check off the chapters I've completed, and shake my head at the [...]

Getting closer!

By | 2017-05-20T02:49:20+00:00 February 6th, 2017|Blog|

I have only a handful of chapters of Betrayal by Blood to edit. Break out the dark chocolate and celebrate with me! Doesn't that look amazing? Why, yes. Yes, it does. Now, here's the thing, being this close to completion. I want fresh eyes to read through it. Folks who can commit to [...]

Ashen City

By | 2017-05-20T02:49:20+00:00 January 18th, 2017|Blog|

Guys, I am so excited about this. Remember my review for Black Tiger? Book two, Ashen City, is coming out this year! Doesn't it look amazing? Yes. It looks amazing. BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING! I had the honor of beta reading Ashen City, and I am ridiculously excited for when I get to hold this [...]

Happy New Year!

By | 2017-01-16T04:52:56+00:00 January 16th, 2017|Blog, Books|

I love the theoretical simplicity of January. It's the month after holidays, travel, family, friends, food, insane busyness. It's supposed to be the easy month in the year. Right? Wrong. Our January calendar has filled so quickly that I'm now looking forward to February to get my post-holiday breather! Game days, sick days, tournaments (for [...]

Book review for Tainted

By | 2016-12-07T07:00:41+00:00 December 27th, 2016|Blog|

I am excited for when book two of the Soul Chronicles comes out! Book one, Tainted, introduced Stephen and Kat, two individuals who are broken in their own ways, each with their own reasons for their trust issues. Circumstances force them to work together to unravel the truth of deaths, powers and how everything is [...]

Book review for Realmscapes

By | 2016-10-17T19:50:31+00:00 December 20th, 2016|Blog|

I enjoyed this book. It's not in my top favorites, but it was well worth the money and the read. Several stories whetted my appetite for that author, and now I'm going to be looking for more that they've written, as I've enjoyed their prose and subject matter. Other short stories were fun and entertaining, [...]

Winter is here. Finally.

By | 2017-05-20T02:49:21+00:00 December 10th, 2016|Blog|

It's starting to finally feel a bit like winter here. The leaves in the trees have changed to red, the nights have cooled down to the low 40's and we've finally turned on our heater. All of you that live elsewhere in the country, who've been dealing with snow for the last two months or [...]

Book review for Demon

By | 2016-10-17T19:47:00+00:00 December 7th, 2016|Blog|

I wish I had known in advance that the book was based of Ezekiel 11, as I wouldn't have spent part of the book wondering about the Biblical foundation. That being said, I found Demon to be an intriguing and magnetizing read. It held my attention and kept drawing me back. Like a bread crumb [...]

Character Post: Finn

By | 2016-10-20T04:30:33+00:00 November 30th, 2016|Characters|

Finn has a mission--and a secret. Will all that he's worked to protect unravel from one ill-timed event? Oh Finn. How I love Finn. Unfortunately, I can't share too much about him-- not yet, anyways. After the series is finished, I will be writing another book, the backstory of Finn, "The Phoenix". So, Lord willing, [...]

Book review for Healer’s Curse

By | 2016-10-17T19:46:33+00:00 November 23rd, 2016|Blog|

I greatly enjoyed this novella! It expanded the world for me as a reader, and kept me hooked into the story. Lady Elilan has been through so much, and experiencing everything unfold from her viewpoint was marvelous. McKee creates characters with such incredible depth and complexity, that you can't help feeling for them within just [...]