R.J. Metcalf

/R.J. Metcalf

About R.J. Metcalf

RJ has little spare time when she's not in "Mommy Mode", but she does enjoy reading, writing, pillow fights with her family and hunting Pokemon in the neighborhood with her hubby.

Back to the beginning

By | 2019-02-12T18:08:14+00:00 February 12th, 2019|Books|

The first manuscript I wrote was Betrayal by Blood, the prequel to the entire series. I had to know what exactly happened the day the Doldran royal family fell, I had to know the truth of why Slate felt the guilt he did, and I had to see sweet Zak as a little boy, full [...]

Void Born Blog Tour!

By | 2018-11-19T11:31:12+00:00 November 9th, 2018|Blog|

Void Born is out on Amazon today, and we're kicking off the excitement with a blog tour!   Friday, November 9 Becky Gaines – Book spotlight Monday, November 12 Laren Salisbury – Fly Into The Unknown Blog Hop Tuesday, November 13 Jamie Foley – Character Feature Thursday, November 15 Cathrine Bonham – Author Interview Friday, [...]

Void Born is here!

By | 2018-11-08T19:26:31+00:00 November 9th, 2018|Books|

I am so excited to announce that Void Born is officially out on Amazon and ready for your reading pleasure! (and book three will be out Spring 2019, have no fear) Along with the excitement of today being the release day, next week I'll be having a Facebook party with Edie Melson to celebrate, and y'all [...]

Void Born is nearly here!

By | 2018-10-11T22:25:56+00:00 October 11th, 2018|Blog|

Well. It's obvious that I'm not the best at keeping my website updated. Sorry, y'all. But I've got exciting news! Book two, Void Born, is officially on Amazon and available for pre-order! The adventure continues on November 9, so mark your calendars and prepare to be swept away. (and mark your calendars again, for the [...]

The in-between

By | 2018-09-19T14:34:14+00:00 September 19th, 2018|Blog|

The last few months have been endlessly busy! Marketing, writing, marketing, editing, marketing, chocolate, marketing... I'm thrilled to say that Renegade Skyfarer has been well received, and I cannot say 'thank you' enough for such an outpouring of support and love from my readers! Thank you for reading and sharing and talking and posting and [...]

Renegade Skyfarer is here!

By | 2018-07-01T17:35:05+00:00 July 1st, 2018|Blog|

The adventure begins! After months of work, I am thrilled to announce that Renegade Skyfarer is available to purchase on Amazon and on BarnesAndNoble.com. After you get your copy and you've read it, I would be beyond thankful if you were to leave a review on Amazon, GoodReads, and/or BarnesAndNoble.com. I know it may not [...]

Renegade Skyfarer releases soon!

By | 2018-06-19T20:46:15+00:00 June 19th, 2018|Blog|

It is the craziest thing to think about, knowing that in two weeks, Renegade Skyfarer will be officially released to the world. How is this possible? Where has the time gone? I don't know, but I can only hope y'all are as excited as I am! Speaking of excited, have I shown the amazing character [...]

Getting closer to publishing day

By | 2018-05-21T07:26:45+00:00 May 21st, 2018|Books|

It's been a whirlwind over here, getting ready for the 'big day.' We ordered proofs a few weeks ago, and have been painstakingly going through every word, every comma, looking for typos and things that are missing or need adjustment. (Don't worry, I'm not the one looking at punctuation. It's not my forte and I know [...]

Renegade Skyfarer Cover Reveal!

By | 2018-05-01T13:19:05+00:00 May 1st, 2018|Blog|

Look at the beauty of this cover! Know what I see? Hours of labor of love by my team. The promise of adventure within the pages. The beginning of an epic steampunk fantasy series. It's all that, and so much more! I hope y'all will love this book as much as I and my beta [...]

Cover reveal soon!

By | 2018-04-25T10:21:22+00:00 April 25th, 2018|Blog|

Guys. I can't wait. I'm changing the date for the cover reveal. It was originally going to be May 18, but that's too far away. May 1. That's so much sooner, and then I can share the beauty of this cover, my pre-order Kindle link will be live, and we'll begin the eight week countdown [...]