The in-between

//The in-between

The last few months have been endlessly busy! Marketing, writing, marketing, editing, marketing, chocolate, marketing…

I’m thrilled to say that Renegade Skyfarer has been well received, and I cannot say ‘thank you’ enough for such an outpouring of support and love from my readers! Thank you for reading and sharing and talking and posting and reviewing about Renegade Skyfarer. Sincerely, every message, every post, they all mean so much to this insecure author’s heart! Word of mouth has proven to be as invaluable as I expected, and every Amazon review adds fuel to the fire that pushes this engine forward into the rest of the series.

Which, if that’s what you’re hoping to hear about right now, I’ll relieve that steam: Void Born is on schedule, and will be releasing within the next two months. I’ll announce the exact date soon, as well as reveal the cover (IT LOOKS SO GOOD!). Pinkie promise.

In the meantime, I can share a Void Born aesthetic that has a few clues for what to expect in book two. Any guesses as to what you think will happen? ^_^


By | 2018-09-19T14:34:14+00:00 September 19th, 2018|Blog|1 Comment

About the Author:

RJ has little spare time when she's not in "Mommy Mode", but she does enjoy reading, writing, pillow fights with her family and hunting Pokemon in the neighborhood with her hubby.

One Comment

  1. Laura A. Grace September 23, 2018 at 12:48 - Reply

    Eeeekkk! So excited! 😀

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