To my great excitement and glee, we had a photo shoot in New York a week ago. We now have a slew of awesome pictures that we’re going to use for the book covers of our series, and I cannot wait until I get to share everything with y’all! Our model did for Ben did a great job, and there’s several pictures that I know we don’t plan to use for covers, but, oh, do I love how they turned out. Once we have everything planned out for the book covers, I’ll share a picture or two. Promise.

The running joke of this year so far…
Renegade Skyfarer is in the capable hands of my lovely editor, and once the line edits are complete, it’ll be back on my side of the court for a bit, then out for formatting, proofreading, and publishing! (It’s getting real, guys.)
And, as if all that isn’t exciting enough, I’ve hired a friend to start working on character concept sketches that I can share here. I’ll have art, and then a bit of bio for each character. So you’ll get to know Ben a bit more, as well as Jade, Zak, Slate, Raine, and the rest of the characters. So much awesome, and in so short a time!
Speaking of time, it’s past time for me to jump back in and keep working on Void Born. I had a great idea in church today that I simply had to stop and write out, and of course it requires me to rewrite half of the chapter I just wrote, and of course it requires me to add in yet another chapter. But it’s worth it. So, so, worth it. I can’t wait to share it with y’all!
May your ink never run dry,
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