

When there are no words

By | 2021-03-19T14:33:54+00:00 March 19th, 2021|Death, grief|

If you follow me on social media, you've already seen the update from my personal life: my mom died February 23. It was one week prior to that, February 16, that we learned the cause of her two-month-long sickness. They finally did the right tests, but too little, too late. She had stage 4 breast [...]


By | 2018-04-05T16:32:50+00:00 April 5th, 2018|Books|

I love deadlines. (No, seriously.) I love having a set goal for me to reach to, to struggle, to fight, to achieve. It keeps a fire lit under me and keeps me honed in and focused. No deadline? No productivity. No productivity? No books. What's difficult about being an indie author with self-set deadlines? No [...]