Home 2018-02-19T21:49:37+00:00

From the blog

Renegade Skyfarer is here!

By | July 1st, 2018|Categories: Blog|

The adventure begins! After months of work, I am thrilled to announce that Renegade Skyfarer is available to purchase on Amazon and on BarnesAndNoble.com. After you get your copy and you've read it, I would [...]

Renegade Skyfarer releases soon!

By | June 19th, 2018|Categories: Blog|

It is the craziest thing to think about, knowing that in two weeks, Renegade Skyfarer will be officially released to the world. How is this possible? Where has the time gone? I don't know, but [...]

The next book

Scars of Time: An Anthology for the Stones of Terrene Chronicles
Phase:Developmental Edits