From the blog
The in-between
The last few months have been endlessly busy! Marketing, writing, marketing, editing, marketing, chocolate, marketing... I'm thrilled to say that Renegade Skyfarer has been well received, and I cannot say 'thank you' enough for such [...]
Renegade Skyfarer is here!
The adventure begins! After months of work, I am thrilled to announce that Renegade Skyfarer is available to purchase on Amazon and on After you get your copy and you've read it, I would [...]
Renegade Skyfarer releases soon!
It is the craziest thing to think about, knowing that in two weeks, Renegade Skyfarer will be officially released to the world. How is this possible? Where has the time gone? I don't know, but [...]
The next book
Scars of Time: An Anthology for the Stones of Terrene Chronicles