From the blog
A chapter closes
How is it possible that 2017 is almost over? It feels like yesterday was October, and before that it was Realm Makers. Time is flying by, and somehow I need to keep up! Confession time. [...]
And the cogs keep turning…
It's been far too long since I've updated my progress on Renegade Skyfarer! Humblest apologies. **bows low** This may or may not have been my actual expression when I checked my email. Thankfully, no [...]
Summoner blog tour
Blog Tour Schedule I need to preface this post with a warning: I stayed up until 2 am to finish reading the "one chapter" of Summoner that I started at 10 pm, and if my [...]
The next book
Scars of Time: An Anthology for the Stones of Terrene Chronicles